Can “cherish” be used in the past tense and the future tense?
“To cherish” is a verb meaning to value greatly or to hold in great affection. We can use it in the present, past and future tenses.

Here are some examples.
Present tense:
- She was a wonderful person, I cherish her memory
- They cherish the opportunity to visit the countryside
Future tense:
- He will always treasure the gift she gave him
- I will cherish this moment for ever
Past tense:
- She cherished her family until the day she died
- He always cherished a dream of visiting Australia
You can find much more detail about the different forms of the verb in the very useful table on
Incidentally, “cherished” is also an adjective used to describe something that is greatly valued or held in great affection. For example:
- This is our most cherished possession
- He held some deeply cherished beliefs
Thanks to Maxim for the question