Buck your ideas up!

When you tell someone to buck their ideas up, you’re telling them to do something better, to try harder, to be more energetic, or to hurry.
“To buck your ideas up” is a phrasal verb and commonly used idiom which probably originates in the verb “to buck”, used to describe the movement of a lively horse, jumping in the air.
“Buck your ideas up or you’ll never pass that exam.”
“I told him to buck his ideas up, but he just wants to spend all day in bed.”
“You need to buck your ideas up unless you want to be late for your appointment.”
“Spartak bucked their ideas up in their last game and managed to win.”
Some similar expressions:
“Buck up!”
“Get a move on!”
“Shake a leg!”
“Put your foot on it!”
“Put your back into it!”
“Step on it!”
“Get cracking!”
“Put you skates on!”
“Pull your finger out!”
“Pull out all the stops”