Graham's Grammar Posts

Possessive case

This post is about the possessive case of nouns. The case of a noun is the form that shows its relation to other words in a sentence. Grammarians disagree about how many cases there...

To put one’s foot in it

“To put one’s foot in it” is an idiom. We use it to talk about someone saying something embarrassing without meaning to do so. If I say “I put my foot in it”, I...


When we say that something is mind-boggling, we mean that it is so large, complicated or extreme that it is very surprising and difficult to understand or imagine. For example: We often use the...

Distributive pronouns

We use distributive pronouns to refer to the members of a group. The main distributive pronouns are: all, both, any, each, every, either and neither. Examples: We normally follow distributive pronouns by ‘of’. Distributive pronouns are...

Reciprocal pronouns

We use reciprocal pronouns to show a mutual action or a relationship between two or more people or objects. There are two reciprocal pronouns. They are ‘each other’ and ‘one another’. Examples: . Posted...

Indefinite pronouns

Indefinite pronouns refer to people or things without being specific who or what they are. Singular another, anybody, anyone, anything, each, either, everybody, everyone, everything, little, much, neither, nobody, no one, nothing, one, other,...

Demonstrative pronouns

We use demonstrative pronouns to indicate particular people or things. There are four demonstrative pronouns. This and these usually refer to something near. That and those usually refer to something farther away. Examples: •             ...

Interrogative pronouns

We use interrogative pronouns to ask questions. The interrogative pronouns are: who, whom, whose, what and which. Examples: •              Who is coming to visit us? •              To whom were you talking? •              Whose is...