“Conscience” is pronounced something like “konshuns” ( /ˈkɑn·ʃəns/ ). If you would like to hear it pronounced by a speaker of British English, click here.
We use it to mean knowing what is right and wrong.

Many common expressions use the word “conscience”.
People have a guilty conscience when they know they have done something wrong:
- He had a guilty conscience about eating all the cake.
- He has suffered from a guilty conscience ever since he argued with his father.
- She didn’t have a guilty conscience even though everybody else thought she was wrong.
People have a clear conscience when they think they have done nothing wrong:
- I had a clear conscience about what I had done.
- Her conscience was clear.
- I sleep well at night, knowing that I have a clear conscience.
We have pangs of conscience when we are worried that we might have done something wrong:
- I had a sudden pang of conscience that I should have behaved better.
- I tried my best but I sometimes have pangs of conscience that I could have done more to help.
When someone makes us think that we have done something wrong, we say that they pricked our conscience:
- He pricks my conscience every time he talks about my family.
- She pricked my conscience when she reminded me about what I did last year.
- The teacher pricked my conscience when she told me that I wasn’t doing enough studying.
When someone has no sense of right and wrong or is not bothered by what is right and wrong we say that they have no conscience:
- I don’t know how they sleep at night, they must have no conscience.
- The criminal showed no conscience for his crimes.
If we think that we have done something wrong we might say that we have qualms of conscience:
- I still have qualms of conscience about how I spoke to her.
- I have no qualms of conscience about what I said.
We talk about freedom of conscience when we mean that people have the right to make decisions based on their own feelings of right and wrong:
- The United Nations Declaration of Human Rights says that everyone has the right to freedom of conscience.
- Freedom of conscience means that people have the right to worship as they choose.
- He said that his freedom of conscience meant that he could not fight in the war.
Thanks to Ivan for the question
Posted by Graham